Heaton Moor Street Design





Project Type

Street Design


In Progress


Natural Dimensions undertook a self-initiated study of Shaw Road and Heaton Moor Road in Stockport and identified opportunities for an improved, more accessible, balanced greener streetscape, providing more shop frontage pavement width, trees and improved surfacing materials for outdoor pedestrian activity and cafe space. We produced plans, visuals and consultation sheets and organised community engagement with meetings, consultation events and social media platforms to develop ideas for a better street. We then finalised designs for street improvements. Our work won funding from the local authority to regenerate the street and work was completed in 2017.

Working in collaboration with Stockport MBC and local councillors, streetscape improvements were proposed as part of a scheme envisioned and led by Natural Dimensions to upgrade and widen existing patchy and narrow tarmac paths with good quality paving. We proposed the removal of some parking spaces to allow path widening and carriageway narrowing (CONTROVERSIAL!) , integration of STREET TREES and the creation of a more pedestrian friendly street environment. This would improve the shopping experience, provide a better context to the historic buildings, enhance Heaton Moor’s unique features and encourage street culture and STREET LIFE.

Natural Dimensions initiated consultation with the local trader group and organised community consultation exercises and events, produced community consultation sheets and liaised with the local authority to progress the scheme towards an achievable and realistic result fully informed by local knowledge. Funding was successfully secured through discussions with the local authority and the scheme was implemented in the first half of 2017. Since then, the shops have gradually been knitting into the street amid economic and pandemic fluctuations and tree vandalism! But as of April 2021, the good news is that cafe tables are outside and the street is coming to life as the trees come into BLOSSOM!